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Motocross is a sport which becomes more and more popular year by year. Competitions gather audience at least consisting of 100 participants and 1 000 spectators. Competition reviewing is transmitted on television, on information sites and on social networking sites.

Now our partners are as follows:
  • ADDINOL Lube Oil GmbH Company is a leader in the manufacture of the most advanced high-tech lubricating materials. North-western Motocross Development Center started strong partnership with ADDINOL Company in 2013. Thanks to the experience of a professional racing team, advantages of all motor vehicle lubricating materials produced by ADDINOL Company were revealed.
    That is their materials that we recommend with certainty!
  • We offer distribution of your company logotype over all our carriers including:
  • Clicable logotype on the home page and description of your company in the website section: For the partners
  • Distribution of the logotype over our team gear
  • Distribution of the logotype over our team bus
  • Reference on social networking sites and an article on the reasons why we have chosen you
  • Setting of flags and banners with your logotype on the carried out competitions
  • Exposition with partners’ logotypes on the podium
  • Your logotype setting on our flyers, posters, broadsides
  • Your logotype setting on team gear (caps, T-shirts, sweatshirt)

  • If you want to be our partner – send your proposal to the mail: [email protected]
